Resume' Transformation $60 Conference Discount Expires!

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Magnetize Your Resume' for Multiple Interview Invitations!

Increase your value to increase salary offers!

Your resume' is a silent marketing document that should showcase your skills, experiences, and accomplishments in such a way that compels multiple hiring managers to seek you for an interview.  This online course will strategically guide you step-by-step on how to increase your value uniquely using your 'self-marketing' document (aka resume') to help increase salary offers.  

Course Description

Learn step-by-step how to transform your resume’ into an interview magnet using insider secrets and best practices to make your resume' irresistible to hiring managers and job placement agencies, and get your phone ringing off the hook!

    1. Table of Content

    1. Welcome to Resume' Transformation Online Course by Trina Claiborne

    1. Introducting Resume' Transformation

    1. The Heading

    1. The Job Title Cloud

    2. “How to Conduct Job Title Searches Video"

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content